A new version of one of India’s most popular automatic scooters among women, the TVS Scooty, was recently spotted in Hosur, Tamil Nadu. The new Scooty spied here seems to be close to production ready, and will amplify TVS' existing Scooty range.
The new TVS Scooty will carry fresh design lines in comparison to the current model on sale today, and the mirrors look sporty and have lost the covering over the bars, making them more user friendly than before. The chic and easily visible indicators on the front and rear are derived from the current model on sale. The front suspension uses telescopic forks, with a single hydraulic shock absorber at the rear. The new, beefy tyres with all-black steel wheels should offer decent road grip and comfort over rough road conditions. The front foot rest base gets new angles on the side with the pillion footrest mounts raised higher.
The rear side body panels are likely to look more appealing, and will portray revised accents. The grab rail for the pillion is now smaller and is at the same height as the seat. The shape of the seat appears to be changed as well, and it looks wider and more comfortable than the current Scooty's seat. The engine on the upcoming Scooty is expected to be more refined, with similar specs to the one currently on sale, and will offer electric as well as kick start options.
With new refreshing and appealing looks backed up by a refined powerplant and ample features to match the competition, you can expect the new Scooty to be a good value-for-money package, offering the youth a potent new level of style, with peppier performance.
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