Mahindra is betting big on the electric future and this was evident at the manufacturer's diverse display of hybrid and electric vehicles at Auto Expo 2014. Mahindra, who announced last month that they will have a team in the Formula E championship happening September this year, started off by showcasing their entrant to the racing series. Visually, this open wheel race car resembles a F3 car but is powered solely by an electric motor. The motor in question produces a maximum of about 270bhp.
Next in line was Mahindra's hybrid XUV500. The XUV500 hybrid claims to offer 18 percent better fuel efficiency in the real world than its conventional counterpart. This is achieved by supplementing the internal combustion engine with an electric motor at lower speeds and battery powering. The motor is recharged during coasting and braking – known as regenerative braking.
In a bid to improve sales of the Quanto, Mahindra is introducing an automated manual transmission variant of the Quanto called the Quanto auto shift. This technology is the same as seen on the Maruti Celerio, and uses a conventional gearbox and clutch that is actuated by a mechatronic unit. Expect it to not cost much more than the standard Quanto. Top executives at Mahindra also called the automatic Quanto the future of transmissions in India. Their confidence in the tech means we could expect more AMT variants of other Mahindra models.
Also showcased was the SsangYong LIV-1 concept SUV. LIV is short for ‘Limitless Interface Vehicle’ and it gets a four-wheel drive system that’s controlled by an interface. The LIV-1 is big and bold and it could lend some of its design elements to the next generation SsangYong Rexton. Stay tuned for further unveils by Mahindra on day two.
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