The Jazz, being available at a minimum price of Rs 7.21lakh for the entry-level variant, and a maximum price of 8.89 for the high-end variant, we wanted to know what those price tags made people feel.
Published on Jul 28, 2009 07:00:00 AM
The Jazz, being available at a minimum price of Rs 7.21lakh for the entry-level variant, and a maximum price of 8.89 for the high-end variant, we wanted to know what those price tags made people feel. Now, tallying up the results after a week, we see that a shattering 70% of voters feel that their wallets will not allow the purchase of the Honda by any means, while 19% of the votes say that they may consider the spacious small car if no other manufacturer comes up with a better option soon, and 11% of the voters are willing to stretch their budgets to grab the Jazz.
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