The revamped Mahindra Mojo was last unveiled at the 2014 Auto Expo, and has since been spotted testing frequently around Pune. Mahindra Two-Wheelers recently displayed the Mojo motorcycle to its dealers in India, hinting at an official launch that could take place anytime soon.
The Mojo looks meaty and masculine with a two-tone colour shade on offer. The front bikini fairing gets a black tinted windshield and a unique-looking set of headlights. The relatively high-raised handlebar showcases bar-end weights and buffed alloy levers, and the redesigned knee recesses give the tank a hefty look, blending in well with the overall flow of the bike. The radiator shrouds and an engine cowl underneath enhance the sporty appeal of the bike. The rear gets a neat mudguard finished in red, with an LED tail light sitting on top.
Mahindra has already stated that the Mojo will use a four-stroke, 292cc, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled and fuel-injected engine. Its four-valve head will deploy dual-overhead camshafts, and maximum power will be in the region of 25.8bhp, with peak torque of about 2.5kgm.
As seen previously, the Mojo uses top-spec upside down front forks, coupled with a rear monoshock bolted onto the swingarm. Judging from the high raised handlebar and centre-set footrests, the Mojo is expected to offer an upright riding stance. For stopping power, the Mahindra Mojo is equipped with a petal disc upfront and a disc brake at the rear.
We look forward to seeing this new Mahindra in showrooms across India very soon. It will be interesting to see how the company prices and positions their flagship model.