Chevrolet Beat facelift spy pics

Chevrolet Beat to receive a mid-cycle cosmetic styling update. It will sport a reworked front design, new alloys and wing mirrors.

Published on Jul 09, 2012 05:07:00 PM


What you see here is a spy picture of the facelifted Chevrolet Beat caught testing in India.

An updated Beat had been unveiled at Chevrolet’s centennial anniversary celebrations at Detroit, USA in 2011. This version had new front and rear fascia with re-profiled front and rear bumpers, reshaped honeycomb grille that housed a slightly bigger Chevy bow-tie emblem, new fog lamps and modified headlamps and brake lamps. It also sported new outside rearview mirrors and an alloy wheel design, and GM claimed that the interiors had been mildly updated too.

However, it is yet unclear whether the refreshed Beat that was showcased is the same version that’s coming to India.

Image Source: Motor Vikatan

Checkout the updated Chevy Beat (Chevrolet Spark for US market) gallery here. 

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