Mumbai Police chief orders traffic department to stop inspecting vehicle documents

Traffic police personnel are only entitled to intercept motorists for violation of traffic rules and not otherwise.

Published on Aug 05, 2021 03:19:00 PM


Mumbai Police commissioner, Hemant Nagrale, has issued a strict order to the traffic police department to not stop vehicles to check documents. It has been observed that unnecessary vehicle and document checks by the traffic police are causing traffic congestions.

  • Traffic cops in Mumbai to stop vehicles only for traffic rules violation
  • Traffic police should primarily prioritize streamlining traffic movement
  • It is not in the purview of traffic police to inspect vehicles or documents

The traffic police are only entitled to charge motorists for violation of traffic rules as per provisions in the Motor Vehicles Act and not otherwise. Examination of vehicles or documents based on suspicion or any reason thereof is not under the purview of traffic police personnel.

Mumbai Police commissioner Nagrale has observed that traffic officials often intercept vehicles for petty reasons, which causes traffic congestions. He has strictly ordered the traffic police department to prioritize monitoring traffic movement and only stop vehicles in case of traffic violations.

The order also said, “Even if there is a joint nakabandi with RTO officials or local police, traffic cops should only stick to actions specified under rules. The cops should not do any other checks. If these orders are not followed by the traffic cops, the in-charge of the traffic division will be held responsible for it”.

“We have seen a few cops stop vehicles to check the documents of drivers or vehicles in the middle of the road. This checking leads to traffic congestion; and we have received so many complaints regarding the same. The checks are totally unnecessary. The traffic cops should focus more on keeping traffic running,” said a senior police officer.

That said, traffic cops still reserve the power to intercept traffic violators and issues challans if required.


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