Volvo officials have confirmed that the new XC90 will be launched in India in March 2015, with deliveries to commence from August. The first 200 units for India will be in top-spec guise (available in 2-3 colours), though more variants at a lower price will be offered later on. Pricing will be in Audi Q7 territory, so expect an ex-showroom price tag in the region of Rs 65-70 lakh.
The XC90 for India will come with Volvo’s latest generation 2.0-litre, four-cylinder diesel in 225bhp and 48kgm form, both figures better than the outgoing XC90’s 2.4-litre, five-cylinder diesel. The new XC90 is also said to be more efficient than the model it replaces, thanks in part to its use of an eight-speed gearbox. India-bound XC90’s will come with an all-wheel drive system, though front-wheel drive XC90s are likely to be a part of the range internationally. India will not get any petrol engines either, at least initially.
Engine aside, the highlight for Indian buyers is sure to be the XC90’s distinctive design and beautifully-finished cabin. Details such as the crystal glass gear lever and the diamond-cut finish for some controls show the extent that Volvo has gone to give its big SUV a more premium feel. We’ve had a close look at the XC90, and can tell you that the chauffeur-driven will love the second row seats for comfort and space. However, the third row seats seem best suited for occupants under 5 feet 6 inches tall. How much the last bit affects buying decisions, though, remains to be seen.
Volvo is confident that the XC90 will do well in India and expects to sell in the region of 500 units in the first year of launch.
Kartikeya Singhee