Chevrolet India has launched the Trailblazer at an introductory price of Rs 26.4 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). The Chevrolet Trailblazer is available only in one variant and comes via the CBU route. The Trailblazer derives its power, all 197bhp of it, from a 2.8-litre, four-cylinder, turbo diesel engine, which drives the rear wheels via a six-speed automatic transmission. The Trailblazer’s sub-10 second (9.89 second to be precise) 0-100kph time makes it the quickest SUV of its class.
Exteriors get first-in-class projector headlamps and fog lamps up front. The Trailblazer is a seven- seat SUV and its interiors get a black and beige dual- tone theme. It also gets a Camaro-style hooded instrument cluster with blue backlighting. Additional equipment includes leather seats with electrical driver-seat adjustment, a 50:50-split, fold-flat third row, cruise control, steering- mounted audio controls. It also gets a Bluetooth equipped, AUX and USB-enabled six-speaker audio system with a 7.0-inch touchscreen interface for its MyLink infotainment.
On the safety front, the SUV comes equipped with dual front airbags, ABS, EBD, TCS and hydraulic panic-brake assist. It also features an ascent and decent assist system. The Trailblazer comes with a 3yr/100k km warranty, and 24X7 roadside assistance.
The Chevrolet Trailblazer will go against the Toyota Fortuner and the Mitsubishi Pajero Sport.
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