Maruti has launched the Ciaz RS variant with prices starting at Rs 9.20 lakh for the petrol model. The diesel variant is priced at Rs 10.28 lakh. The Ciaz RS is essentially the standard model, but with a new body kit. It gets a chin spoiler, side skirts and a boot-lid spoiler. The Ciaz RS gets all-black interiors with a faux aluminum trim.
It mirrors the equipment list of the non-RS Ciaz Z+ trims which includes the Maruti SmartPlay infotainment as well as dual front airbags and ABS. The Ciaz ZXi+ RS comes with the same 1.4-litre 91bhp petrol motor while the ZDi+ RS gets the 89bhp diesel unit. The diesel model, like the non-RS Ciaz, gets the fuel-saving SHVS tech as well. Seven paint shades are on offer.
The Maruti Ciaz competes with the likes of the Honda City, Hyundai Verna and Volkswagen Vento.
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