Maruti Suzuki’s upcoming global hatchback (codename: YL7), which will make its world debut at the New Delhi Auto Expo 2014, will be known worldwide as the Suzuki Celerio. This is the name that Suzuki currently uses for the A-Star in certain international markets, like the Phillipines.
In India, the Maruti Suzuki Celerio will replace both the A-Star and the now-discontinued Zen Estilo, and while it was previewed by the Suzuki A:Wind concept at the 2013 Thailand Motor Show, it is the production version that will be shown at the New Delhi Auto Expo 2014.
The Maruti Suzuki Celerio will be powered by one of Maruti’s K-series petrol engines, likely the 1.0-litre K10, although it will be tuned for greater efficiency.
This new name also means the end of the ‘Alto’ nameplate in international markets, but in India, the Alto 800 and Alto K10 will continue to be sold alongside the new Maruti Suzuki Celerio.
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