The Datsun Go hatchback has been launched at an aggressive Rs 3.12 lakh. Our road-test reveals what's on offer on this new budget hatchback.
Published on Mar 27, 2014 10:17:00 PM
Were we to judge the Datsun Go relative to similarly sized hatchbacks, it would come across as a tad underwhelming. But you need to compare the Go to similarly priced competition; that’s when you’ll see it as a clever proposition. A spacious cabin and a big boot are two things you’ll rarely find in a budget hatchback, but it’s something you get with the Go. The car’s attractive styling, class-leading performance, ease of use and good fuel economy are also aspects that will interest buyers in the budget segment, the majority of whom are first-time car buyers. That’s not to say the Go doesn’t have its flaws. The ergonomics, for one, leave muchto be desired and there’s some essential kit missing. So there’s clearly a lot of room for improvement.
But, given the Rs 3.69 lakh price tag for the top-spec T version, the Go is hard to beat for affordability. All Datsun needs to do nowis bolster its sales and service network to unlock the true potential of its budget car.
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