The Jawa 42 has been updated for 2024 with prices ranging between Rs 1.73 lakh and Rs 1.98 lakh (both, ex-showroom, Delhi). It gets engine tweaks, mild changes to the styling and a new seat. The starting price is Rs 16,000 more affordable than before.
- Receives mechanical changes to the engine
- Gets six new colours
Jawa 42, launch details
Classic Legends has applied its learnings from the Jawa 350 and Yezdi Adventure, and reworked the Jawa 42’s engine. The result is a 294cc liquid-cooled motor that now produces 27.32hp and 26.84Nm. Jawa has also equipped the 42 with a slip and assist clutch, and has included a gear-based throttle mapping for smoother gear shifts. The company has also added a redesigned balancer weight and a new hub-type balancer gear to reduce vibrations. Jawa has also changed the mounting point for the rear shocks and has added a new seat for better comfort.
The base variant gets single-channel ABS, spoked wheels and an analogue LCD setup – the top-variant gets a fully digital LCD unit. Currently, the Jawa 42 can be had with spoked wheels with single-channel ABS, spoked wheels with dual-channel ABS, and alloy wheels with dual-channel ABS – depending on the variant.
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Mohammed Redha - 160 days ago
Do you have an agent in Bahrain or the Gulf countries?ج
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Girish Mandapati - 162 days ago
Jawa Yezdi !seems to have mastered the art of creating anticipation. We're eagerly waiting for their new models to hit the road, but their current lineup seems to have taken a sabbatical to an undisclosed location - probably a serene service center. Maybe they're learning new tricks, like how to avoid starting? It's a mystery as captivating as their marketing campaigns, but with significantly less payoff.
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