The police department of Andhra Pradesh has taken delivery of a fresh batch of Mahindra TUV300 SUVs. Recently, at IGM Stadium, Vijayawada, some TUV300s were recently flagged off by Andhra Pradesh chief minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu. These are some of the 242 TUV300s that have been recently inducted into the Andhra Pradesh police fleet.
These newest additions to the patrolling police vehicle fleet of Andhra Pradesh are powered by the carmaker's own mHawk 100 engine. If the Andhra Pradesh police are getting the same T4+ variant as the models that joined the Mumbai police fleet last year, the new police vehicles may come with a manual air-con, central locking, power windows and manually adjustable wing mirrors. The T4+ variant also gets ABS and dual front airbags as standard.
The 84hp, 1.5-litre mHawk diesel engine pushes the TUV300 from 0-100kph in around 19sec – considerably faster than the Mahindra Bolero (a model also used by the Andhra Pradesh police), whose 63hp, 2.5-litre diesel takes over 25sec to the hit 100kph.
The TUV300, thanks to its compact dimensions is becoming increasingly popular in the government and private sector alike. It has been used as an emergency airport service vehicle as well as a fleet vehicle in the Mumbai police.
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