KTM has launched its smaller supersport offering, the RC 200, in a new black colour scheme. The new colour is available at the same price of Rs 1.77 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) as the existing white-coloured model. This means that the RC 390 is now the only bike from KTM that misses out on a second colour option in India.
The new black colour scheme on the RC 200 is extremely similar to the RC 390’s option. They both have glossy black bodywork, orange wheels and trellis frames, and similarly-styled decals. The only noticeable difference is the colour inversion of the decals and the inner fairing. While the more-expensive RC 390 sports an orange inner fairing, the RC 200's is white. When it comes to the decals, the RC 200 gets the brighter orange treatment in place of the white seen on the RC 390.
The motorcycle is mechanically unchanged. Powering the black RC 200 is a 199.5cc, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled motor which makes 25.8hp and 19.2Nm of torque. Handling suspension duties is a 43mm upside-down fork and a preload-adjustable monoshock. In terms of braking, while the bike does get a large 300mm front disc and a 230mm rear disc, it still misses out on ABS.
Also see:
2017 KTM RC 200, RC 390 video review
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Vîllãîñ Ãâdî - 727 days ago
Old model ktm rc200 avaible hai ya nhi showroom me sir
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